Theme design for T-Mobile
As junior Art Director at Saatchi & Saatchi Budapest, one of my first tasks was to design a graphic theme for
T-Mobile’s appearances at music festivals.
T-Mobile’s appearances at music festivals.
As T-Mobile wasn’t a main sponsor of any of these events back then, they only had a large tent to display their services. Their tents were considered a place of sanctuary and relaxation by the festival visitors. They provided internet access and computers so the visitors could keep in touch with their friends not attending the events.
Summer 2010 T-Mobile wanted to display an oriental theme for the chill-out purpose of their tent. I thought that a simple oriental style would be a bit too far from the festival audience, so I went for a more manga-like design. I drew the elements by hand, and colored them by hand too. In the end T-Mobile opted for a white on magenta version.
