Scribble without a care with Pilot, is by definition a flashy and shouty social network. But, precisley for those reasons, it’s the largest online community among teenagers in Hungary. It was the perfect forum to launch Pilot’s Frixion ball pen as campaign. Because Pilot Frixion is a pen designed for teenagers. A pen that has erasable ink.
We gave the users a tool with which they could draw anything on each other’s profile pages and profile pictures and share the results. The scribbles were of course all erasable, but everybody that visited the site
went with the express purpose to leave a mark.
went with the express purpose to leave a mark.
At the end of the first full day of the live application, more than 14.000 scribbles were made, more than 1.700 in the busiest hours. At the end of the first month we had 111.414 scribbles, and the whole site was talking about Pilot. Word has spread far and wide among teenagers.
The new game turned into a new messaging tool on the site, and after the application was taken down, the users were desperate to get their new toy back again.
Art direction with Ramóna Udvardi, copywriter: Máté Nagy.
Home page banners and articles

Article texts in english:
Scribble without a care
e-DM sample

Headline in english:
Scribble for the new badges
Scribble for the new badges