404 page banners for Soproni
Soproni, the biggest beer brand in Hungary decided late in 2013 that it is time to change it's communication platform. The new core message was developed to change the well known pessimism of Hungarians and the campaing asked people to try and noticte the bright side of everyday life.
After the TV commercial and traditional out of home materials got off-air, the online campaign became even more important. The aim was to keep the message in peoples' minds. We tried to put the message to places where it was really relevant, places where people have a real choice between self-pity and moving on.
This led us to the 404 pages of Hungary's largest online media group. The place was never used before for targeted ads, so our banners were not only relevant but truely surprising.
Creative Director: László Nagy
Digital Art Director: Gábor Vinczer

"To those who don't give up if they don't make it right away."

"To those who don't give up if they don't make it right away."

"To those who trust that they find what they're looking for"